« Holy Image on Rose's Petals

Rose Petals Turned Into Host

03/23/09 | by admin [mail] | Categories: Miracles

This miracle happen in Philippine, where the Rose Petals was turn into Host.

Follow up:

Since 1991, a young Filipino man, Carmelo Cortez, had numerous experiences of the Madonna and is able to manifest detailed images of the Christ, Mary, and others onto rose petals. This miracle was happen every years in the month of September.

In June 1991, Cortez, age 21, was living in a squatters area in San Francisco Del Monte in Quezon City. He was given a picture of the Madonna, which he placed on an altar. The following night he heard a soft voice and the sound of beautiful music. Cortez followed the voice and found it was emanating from the picture. The Madonna was shedding tears of blood and the baby Jesus in the altar appeared to be catching the tears with one hand. The picture was later placed on a church altar, and a relative of Cortez was healed of a fever.

1 comment

Comment from: leah montenegro arcero [Visitor]
im so happy that i have the chance to visit ur site.it is so nice to have like this.to know some miracles in this world. thank u so much

04/22/09 @ 13:26

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